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- Datenschutzrichtlinien -
Letzte Aktualisierung: 25. Mai 2018
Wir von der Majestic Bride “, „wir“, „uns“ oder „unsere“) nehmen Ihre Datenschutzrechte ernst. In dieser Erklärung erläutern wir Ihnen in einer kurzen Zusammenfassung, welche personenbezogenen Daten wir verwenden, wenn Sie unsere Internetseite besuchen und unsere Produkte kaufen, sowie Ihre Rechte diesbezüglich. Im Anschluss führen wir diese Erläuterungen ab dem nachstehenden Abschnitt 1 genauer aus.
✓ Dienstleistungserbringung
Wir und unsere Dienstleister verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten, die sich auf Sie beziehen, um Ihnen sämtliche Dienste und Funktionen unserer Internetseite bereitzustellen. Dazu zählen Daten im Zusammenhang mit der Einrichtung eines Kundenkontos und Daten, die für den Erhalt von Produkten und Dienstleistungen erforderlich sind.
✓ Analysen
Wir und unsere Dienstleister kontrollieren und analysieren die Nutzung der Internetseite und – sofern Sie diesen abonniert haben – unseres Newsletters, um die Art und Weise ihrer Nutzung zu ermitteln und sie zu verbessern.
✓ Marketing
Wir können Ihre Daten zu Marketingzwecken nutzen, um Ihnen individuell zugeschnittene Angebote zu unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu schicken, sofern Sie diese Option nicht ablehnen.
✓ Empfänger
Unsere Dienstleister und die Unternehmen der Majestic Bride greifen ebenfalls auf Ihre Daten zu, um Ihnen gemäß den Erläuterungen in dieser Datenschutzerklärung Dienstleistungen zu erbringen.
✓ Ihre Rechte
Sie haben unter anderem das Recht auf Auskunft, Berichtigung und Löschung Ihrer Daten sowie gegebenenfalls das Recht, Ihre Einwilligung zu widerrufen, Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung einzulegen oder die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung zu verlangen.
✓ Aufbewahrungsort Ihrer Daten
Von uns verwendete Daten werden hauptsächlich in den USA aufbewahrt – und zwar bei uns und erforderlichenfalls bei unseren Cloud-Dienstleistern. Die Aufbewahrung erfolgt entweder gemäß dem Privacy Shield Framework zwischen der EU und den USA beziehungsweise zwischen der Schweiz und den USA oder unter Anwendung anderer angemessener Schutzmaßnahmen.
1. Welche personenbezogenen Daten verwenden wir zu welchen Zwecken und auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage?
Um Ihnen unsere Dienstleistungen erbringen und den vollen Funktionsumfang unserer Internetseite bieten zu können, verwenden wir und unsere Dienstleister Ihre Daten (einschließlich Ihres Namens, Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse, Ihres Kennworts und Ihrer IP-Adresse) zu folgenden Zwecken:
Wenn Sie ein Kundenkonto erstellen: um Ihre Kundendaten zu verwalten; um Zugriff auf Ihren Einkaufswagen bereitzustellen; um gekaufte, reservierte oder registrierte Produkte anzuzeigen oder um Ihnen weitere Produkte anzuzeigen, die vermutlich für Sie von Interesse sind; um Ihre Identität zu überprüfen, wenn Sie Ihr Kennwort vergessen haben und um Ihre Produktbewertungen zu verarbeiten.
Wenn Sie sich dafür entscheiden, uns weitere Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen, zum Beispiel Geburtsdatum, Anschrift, persönliche Einstellungen, eine Wunschliste und Ihr Geschlecht: um sowohl Ihr Profil als auch unsere Empfehlungen für Sie individuell anpassen zu können.
Wenn Sie Waren online bestellen: In diesem Fall benötigen wir zusätzlich Ihre Anschrift, Telefonnummer und Zahlungsinformationen, um Ihren Kauf zu bearbeiten, Ihnen Bestätigungen zu senden, Transaktionen auf betrügerische Handlungen zu überprüfen und um Rücksendungen, Reparaturen oder Ersatzlieferungen zu bearbeiten.
Wenn Sie einen Artikel in einem Geschäft von Fossil kaufen und um einen elektronischen Kassenbeleg bitten: um Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten.
Wenn Sie an Treueprogrammen teilnehmen, unsere Produkte weiterempfehlen, eine Geschenkkarte einlösen oder wenn wir Ihnen Rabatte oder Boni usw. anbieten, dann verwenden wir diese Informationen zusätzlich zu den im Zusammenhang mit dem Kauf gemachten Angaben, um zu prüfen, ob Sie weitere Rabatte oder Sonderangebote in Anspruch nehmen können.
Wenn Sie uns darum bitten, einer Freundin oder einem Freund eine Wunschliste weiterzuleiten oder wenn Sie uns die Kontaktdaten dieser Person zukommen lassen, dann verwenden wir diese Daten ebenfalls im Rahmen der Verarbeitung Ihrer Anfrage.
Wenn Sie Kontakt zu uns aufnehmen: um Ihre Fragen zu beantworten, Sie im Rahmen des Kundendienstes zu unterstützen und Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten.
Soweit diese Verarbeitung zur Erfüllung des mit Ihnen geschlossenen Vertrags erforderlich ist, beruht sie auf Art. 6 (1) b der EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO). Freiwillige Angaben werden gemäß Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO verarbeitet, wobei unser berechtigtes Interesse in der Bereitstellung einer funktional ansprechenden und nutzerfreundlichen Internetseite besteht. Laut DSGVO ist zudem die gesetzlich geforderte Verarbeitung gestattet, also zum Beispiel zur unverzüglichen Beantwortung Ihrer Anfragen über die bereitgestellten Kanäle.
Grundsätzlich löschen wir Angaben mit Bezug zu
Ihrem Kundenkonto auf Ihr Verlangen oder nach dreijähriger Inaktivität,
Ihrem Kauf nach Ablauf der entsprechenden gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungsfrist,
Ihrer Teilnahme an Treueprogrammen, Empfehlungen usw. nach drei Jahren.
Einige unserer Verarbeitungsprozesse möchten wir Ihnen ausführlicher erklären:
1.1 Bonitätsprüfung
Wir sind bestrebt, Ihnen die Möglichkeit zur Bestellung auf Rechnung zu bieten. Dazu führt die CRIF Bürgel GmbH, Radlkoferstraße 2, 81373 München („Kreditauskunftei“) auf der Grundlage Ihres Namens, Geburtsdatums und -orts, Ihrer (vorangegangenen) Anschrift, Informationen zu vorangegangenen Zahlungsschwierigkeiten, Hinweisen auf betrügerisches Verhalten oder Informationen aus öffentlichen Verzeichnissen oder Bekanntmachungen eine Bonitätsprüfung für uns durch. Anhand mathematisch-statistischer Verfahren ermittelt die Kreditauskunftei die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür, dass unsere Kundin oder unser Kunde unsere Rechnung begleichen wird. Nur bei einem positiven Ergebnis, das ausschließlich auf einer automatisierten Entscheidung (ohne manuelle Überprüfung) beruht, wird die Option „auf Rechnung bestellen“ freigegeben. Die Grundlage für diese Verarbeitung bildet unser berechtigtes Interesse (Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO), verschiedene Zahlungsmöglichkeiten bereitzustellen. Wir speichern diese Daten nicht.
1.2 Interessenbasierte Werbung
Um auswählen zu können, welche Marketinginformationen für Sie von Interesse sein könnten, und um Werbeanzeigen und Angebote individuell auf Ihre Interessen abzustimmen, gehen wir gemäß Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO wie folgt vor: Wir
verwenden öffentlich zugängliche Information (zum Beispiel von Ihren Profilen in sozialen Netzwerken)
analysieren Ihre Kundenkontoinformationen und die Art und Weise, wie Sie unsere Dienstleistungen nutzen – einschließlich unserer Internetseite, Werbeanzeigen auf externen Internetseiten und unseres Newsletters
verwenden Information im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Einlösung einer Geschenkkarte oder Ihrer Teilnahme an einem Gewinnspiel, Wettbewerb oder einer Umfrage
verwenden Information, die unsere Dienstleister erhoben haben (zum Beispiel Adobe oder Google)
senden Ihnen basierend auf Ihren vorangegangenen Einkäufen Produktwerbung per E-Mail oder kontaktieren Sie über andere elektronische Wege, sofern Sie diese Optionen nicht abgelehnt haben. Für jegliche weitere Kontaktaufnahme zum Zweck des Direktmarketings (zum Beispiel weitere E-Mails, Newsletter oder SMS-Nachrichten) holen wir Ihre Einwilligung ein.
Grundsätzlich löschen wir solche werbebezogenen Daten nach einer Aufbewahrungsfrist von höchstens drei Jahren.
1.3 Ihre Bewertungen und geteilten Inhalte
Wenn Sie auf unserer Internetseite eine Produktbewertung abgeben oder ein Bild oder sonstige Dateien hochladen oder wenn Sie Inhalte auf externen Internetseiten wie sozialen Netzwerken mit uns teilen, dann veröffentlichen und verwenden wir diese Informationen auf der Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen (Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO) auf unserer beziehungsweise auf externen Internetseiten. Wir löschen diese Daten nach fünf Jahren. Über die Verwendung der Daten durch diese externen Internetseiten haben wir keinerlei Kontrolle und übernehmen auch keine Verantwortung dafür. Um weitere Information bezüglich der Verwendung Ihrer Daten durch diese Dritten zu erhalten, lesen Sie sich bitte ihre jeweiligen Datenschutzerklärungen durch.
Beachten Sie zudem, dass Sie die Rechte des geistigen Eigentums an den Inhalten besitzen müssen, die Sie auf unserer Internetseite hochladen beziehungsweise mit uns teilen, und dass Sie die Rechte Dritter (zum Beispiel Rechte des geistigen Eigentums oder Datenschutzrechte) nicht verletzen dürfen. In dem Sie die Inhalte hochladen, gewähren Sie uns und unseren jeweiligen Dienstleistern eine unentgeltliche, unbeschränkte, nicht-exklusive, unbefristete, unwiderrufliche, per Unterlizenz weiterzuvergebende, übertragbare, weltweit gültige Lizenz zur Nutzung, Bearbeitung, Vervielfältigung, Anpassung, Übersetzung, Veröffentlichung, Anzeige, Bereitstellung, Kommunikation und Verbreitung von Teilen oder des gesamten Inhalts in jeglicher Form, über jegliches Medium oder mittels jeglicher Technologie, die bereits bekannt ist oder künftig noch entwickelt wird, sowie zur Einbindung von Teilen oder des gesamten Inhalts in andere Inhalte zu Werbe-, Marketing- oder jedweden anderen Zwecken.
1.4 Cookies und andere Technologien
Bei jedem Ihrer Besuche auf unserer Internetseite speichert unser System Daten in Bezug auf Ihren Browser, dessen Version, das Betriebssystem Ihres Computers, Ihre IP-Adresse, das Datum, die Länge und die Uhrzeit Ihres Besuchs, die Internetseite, die Sie zuvor besucht haben und jene, die Sie über Links auf unserer Internetseite im Anschluss besuchen. Wir stützen diese Verarbeitung auf unser berechtigtes Sicherheitsinteresse (Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO) und löschen Protokolldateien unverzüglich, spätestens jedoch sechs Monate nach Ende des Besuchs.
Darüber hinaus nutzen wir Cookies und andere Technologien wie Pixel Tags. Bei Cookies handelt es sich um kleine Dateien, die auf der Festplatte Ihres Computers gespeichert werden. Pixel Tags – auch bekannt als Web Beacons – sind unsichtbare Dateien, die in Webpages oder E-Mails enthalten sein können und Informationen zu Ihrem Computer abfragen, zum Beispiel den verwendeten Browser. Wir stützen diese Verarbeitung auf unser berechtigtes Interesse (Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO) zur Bereitstellung einer Internetseite mit speziellen Funktionen, zu ihrer Optimierung und zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit unserer IT. Cookies haben ein Ablaufdatum.
Bevor wir Ihnen erläutern, welche Arten von Cookies und anderen Technologien (die wir alle zusammen als „Cookies“ bezeichnen) wir verwenden, weisen wir zunächst darauf hin, dass Sie
Browser-Cookies generell über die Einstellungen Ihres Browsers ablehnen können oder
bestimmte Arten von Cookies über diesen Link deaktivieren können (wenn Sie dies tun, wird auf Ihrem Computer ein Cookie über die Deaktivierung der Option gespeichert, der jeglichen Datenverkehr über die entsprechende Kategorie von Cookies verhindert)
Beachten Sie, dass Ihnen bestimmte Funktionen unserer Internetseite und Dienste unter Umständen nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen, wenn Sie die Nutzung bestimmter Cookies deaktivieren.
1.4.1 Funktions-Cookies
Auf der Grundlage unseres berechtigten Interesses zur Verbesserung unserer Internetseite (Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO) nutzen wir Cookies, um den Zugang zu und die Nutzung unserer Internetseite zu ermöglichen und zu erleichtern, also zum Beispiel, um die Anzeige länderspezifischer Inhalte in Ihrer Landessprache zu optimieren; dazu nutzen wir unter anderem auch die Cookies von Dritten. Dazu zählt beispielsweise ein Plugin für soziale Netzwerke, das von Gigya, Inc., 2513 East Charlestone Road, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA („Gigya“) bereitgestellt wird. Dadurch können wir Ihnen einen einzigen Anmeldedienst bieten, bei dem Sie sich mit dem Benutzernamen, den Sie in sozialen Netzwerken verwenden, authentifizieren und bei Ihrem Fossil-Kundenkonto anmelden können. Gigya verwendet in unserem Auftrag unter anderem Daten wie die IP-Adresse, Seitenaufrufe, die Browser-Art, die Nutzung der Dienste von Gigya, die zuvor besuchte Webpage und Aktionen in sozialen Netzwerken wie das Teilen und Kommentieren von Inhalten, zur Vereinfachung der Bereitstellung unserer Dienste und für interne Berichte.
- Privacy Policy -
Last updated: May 25, 2018
We at the Majestic Bride ”,“ we ”,“ us ”or“ our ”) take your data protection rights seriously. In this declaration, we explain to you in a short summary which personal data we use when you visit our website and buy our products, as well as your rights in this regard. We will then explain these explanations in more detail from Section 1 below.
✓ Service delivery
We and our service providers process personal data relating to you in order to provide you with all of the services and functions of our website. This includes data in connection with setting up a customer account and data that are required for the receipt of products and services.
✓ Analysis
We and our service providers control and analyze the use of the website and - if you have subscribed to it - our newsletter in order to determine how it is used and to improve it.
✓ Marketing
We can use your data for marketing purposes in order to send you individually tailored offers about our products and services, provided you do not decline this option.
✓ Recipient
Our service providers and the Majestic Bride companies also access your data in order to provide you with services in accordance with the explanations in this data protection declaration.
✓ your rights
Among other things, you have the right to information, correction and deletion of your data and, if necessary, the right to withdraw your consent, to object to processing or to request that processing be restricted.
✓ Storage location for your data
The data we use is mainly stored in the USA - with us and, if necessary, with our cloud service providers. The storage takes place either in accordance with the Privacy Shield Framework between the EU and the USA or between Switzerland and the USA or using other appropriate protective measures.
1. What personal data do we use, for what purposes and on what legal basis?
In order to provide you with our services and to be able to offer you the full functionality of our website, we and our service providers use your data (including your name, your email address, your password and your IP address) for the following purposes:
When you create a customer account: to manage your customer data; to provide access to your shopping cart; to show you purchased, reserved or registered products or to show you other products that may be of interest to you; to verify your identity if you forget your password and to process your product reviews.
If you decide to provide us with further information, for example date of birth, address, personal settings, a wish list and your gender: in order to be able to customize both your profile and our recommendations for you.
If you order goods online: In this case, we also need your address, telephone number and payment information in order to process your purchase, send you confirmations, check transactions for fraudulent activities and process returns, repairs or replacements.
When you purchase an item from a Fossil store and request an electronic receipt: to process your request.
If you participate in loyalty programs, recommend our products, redeem a gift card or if we offer you discounts or bonuses, etc., then we use this information in addition to the information provided in connection with the purchase to check for further discounts or special offers can take advantage of.
If you ask us to forward a wish list to a friend or if you send us the contact details of this person, we will also use this data in the context of processing your request.
When you contact us: to answer your questions, to support you with customer service and to process your request.
Insofar as this processing is necessary to fulfill the contract concluded with you, it is based on Art. 6 (1) b of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Voluntary information is processed in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f GDPR, with our legitimate interest in providing a functionally appealing and user-friendly website. According to the GDPR, the processing required by law is also permitted, for example to answer your inquiries immediately via the channels provided.
In principle, we delete information related to
Your customer account at your request or after three years of inactivity,
Your purchase after the relevant statutory retention period has expired,
Your participation in loyalty programs, referrals, etc. after three years.
We would like to explain some of our processing processes to you in more detail:
1.1 Credit check
We strive to offer you the option of ordering on account. For this purpose, CRIF Bürgel GmbH, Radlkoferstraße 2, 81373 Munich ("credit information agency") provides information on previous payment difficulties, information on fraudulent behavior or information from public directories or notices on the basis of your name, date and place of birth, your (previous) address carry out a credit check for us. Using mathematical and statistical procedures, the credit agency determines the probability that our customer will pay our bill. Only in the case of a positive result, which is based solely on an automated decision (without manual verification), is the "order on account" option enabled. The basis for this processing is our legitimate interest (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR) to provide various payment options. We do not save this data.
1.2 Interest-based advertising
In order to be able to choose which marketing information might be of interest to you and to tailor advertisements and offers individually to your interests, we proceed as follows in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f GDPR: We
use publicly available information (for example from your profiles in social networks)
analyze your customer account information and the way in which you use our services - including our website, advertisements on external websites and our newsletter
use information in connection with your redemption of a gift card or your participation in a sweepstakes, contest or survey
use information that our service providers have collected (for example Adobe or Google)
send you product promotions based on your previous purchases via email or contact you via other electronic means, unless you have declined these options. We will obtain your consent for any further contact for the purpose of direct marketing (e.g. further e-mails, newsletters or SMS messages).
In principle, we delete such advertising-related data after a retention period of a maximum of three years.
1.3 Your Ratings and Shared Content
If you submit a product review on our website or upload a picture or other files or if you share content with us on external websites such as social networks, we publish and use this information on the basis of our legitimate interests (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR) on our or external websites. We delete this data after five years. We have no control whatsoever over the use of the data by these external websites and we also assume no responsibility for it. For more information on how these third parties use your data, please read their respective privacy statements.
Please also note that you must own the intellectual property rights to the content that you upload to our website or share with us, and that you must not violate the rights of third parties (e.g. intellectual property rights or data protection rights). By uploading the content, you grant us and our respective service providers a free, unlimited, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, globally valid license for use, editing, reproduction, adaptation, translation, publication, display , Provision, communication and distribution of parts or all of the content in any form, via any medium or by means of any technology that is already known or will be developed in the future, as well as for the integration of parts or all of the content in other content for advertising, Marketing or any other purpose.
1.4 Cookies and other technologies
Each time you visit our website, our system saves data relating to your browser, its version, the operating system of your computer, your IP address, the date, length and time of your visit, the website you visited before and those that you then visit via links on our website. We base this processing on our legitimate interest in security (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR) and delete log files immediately, but no later than six months after the end of the visit.
We also use cookies and other technologies such as pixel tags. Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer's hard drive. Pixel tags - also known as web beacons - are invisible files that can be contained in web pages or e-mails and query information about your computer, for example the browser used. We base this processing on our legitimate interest (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR) to provide a website with special functions, to optimize it and to ensure the security of our IT. Cookies have an expiration date.
Before we explain to you what types of cookies and other technologies (which we all collectively refer to as "cookies") we use, we should first point out that you
You can generally refuse browser cookies via the settings of your browser or
can deactivate certain types of cookies via this link (if you do this, a cookie will be stored on your computer by deactivating the option, which prevents any data traffic via the corresponding category of cookies)
Please note that certain functions of our website and services may no longer be available to you if you deactivate the use of certain cookies.
1.4.1 Function cookies
On the basis of our legitimate interest in improving our website (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR), we use cookies to enable and facilitate access to and use of our website, for example to display country-specific content in your Optimize national language; we also use third-party cookies for this purpose. This includes, for example, a plug-in for social networks that is provided by Gigya, Inc., 2513 East Charlestone Road, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA (“Gigya”). This enables us to offer you a single login service where you can authenticate with the username you use on social networks and log into your Fossil customer account. On our behalf, Gigya uses, among other things, data such as the IP address, page views, browser type, the use of Gigya services, the previously visited webpage and actions in social networks such as sharing and commenting on content to simplify the provision of ours Services and for internal reports.
In addition, we use other services to improve functionality such as Adobe Scene 7 from Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland (“Adobe”), Youtube and Google Maps, both provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google").
1.4.2 Cookies related to social networks
We use cookies to give you the opportunity to share our website and content such as information about our products on social networks. These include Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and Google+. We use these content sharing buttons to make it easier for you to disseminate information about content that interests you via social media. If you click on such a button, you will be redirected directly to the social network page.
1.4.3 Analysis cookies
On the basis of Art. 6 (1) f GDPR, we use information about the services you use and the way in which you use them (for example articles that you clicked on in our e-mails or on our website to have). We do not create a link to your name, but save the information with an identification number. We use this information to find out more about your purchase preferences and to tailor our offers and websites accordingly, to solve problems with websites, products and services, to evaluate trends and statistics, and to provide you with our content in the most appealing and user-friendly way showcase.
You can deactivate analysis cookies under this link.
● We use Google Analytics, an analysis service provided by Google, to store "analysis cookies" on your computer on our behalf. In order to use Google Analytics, we send anonymized information to Google, for example about your use of our website and the end devices used. At Google, the data is collected and evaluated, and we then receive meaningful reports. We do not merge the data from Google Analytics with any of your personal data, and neither does Google merge it with data about you. Since it can happen that your personal data is transmitted to the USA, Google has committed itself to complying with the Privacy Shield Framework between the EU and the USA.
You can object by installing a browser plug-in via this link [].
● We use Adobe Analytics (Omniture), an analysis service from Adobe. Adobe places cookies on your computer in order to process information about you and your use of our website on our behalf. We transmit your IP address after it has been anonymized in advance of geolocation and replaced with a general IP address before storage. For the individual cases in which personal data is transmitted to the USA, Adobe has committed itself to complying with the Privacy Shield Framework between the EU and the USA.
You can object by opening this link [].
● We use Adobe Test & Target, an analysis service from Adobe.
● We use Clicktale Heatmaps and Session replays, a customer satisfaction analysis service provided by ClickTale Ltd, 2 Shoham St., Ramat-Gan 52521, Israel (“Clicktale”). As part of its service, Clicktale uses cookies to help us obtain information about the use of our website. In this context, Clicktale may receive your IP address. We only use the Clicktale service to record information such as mouse clicks, scrolling behavior, mouse movements and non-personal text information that you enter on our website. Israel is considered a country with an adequate level of data protection []. If your data is transmitted to the USA, Clicktale has committed itself to complying with the Privacy Shield Framework between the EU and the USA or between Switzerland and the USA.
Click here [to deactivate ClickTale.
1.4.4 Marketing cookies
We work with external service providers who place advertisements on their websites on our behalf. These service providers use cookies to record your use and interaction with our website and our advertisements. The use of this type of cookie is based solely on your consent (Art. 6 (1) a GDPR).
You can deactivate the marketing cookies under this link.
If you have a user account with external service providers (e.g. Facebook), please note that they may be able to identify you.
● We use Bluecore, a retail marketing platform for performance-based email provided by Bluecore, Inc., 116 Nassau Street, 10038 New York, USA (“Bluecore”). Bluecore collects your email address, IP address, customer ID, purchase history data and other profile information when you visit our website or when we pass on historical information about a user through the use of cookies. Bluecore can also collect information about your physical location (e.g. geolocation of the IP, zip code) when you visit our website via your mobile device or computer. Bluecore creates a uniform user overview by recording your behavior on the website and e-mail activity to the e-mail address and cookie ID. Bluecore complies with the Privacy Shield Framework agreed between the EU and the USA and between Switzerland and the USA.
● We use Certona Product Recommendations, an advertising service for user-specific product discovery provided by Certona Corporation, 10431 Wateridge Circle, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121, USA (“Certona”). When you use our website, Certona records your IP address, the products you have viewed and purchased, and your preferences in order to help us personalize your visit to our website and to send you relevant product recommendations and targeted e-mails. In addition, Certona collects the email address you have given us with our express consent. Your data will be transmitted to the Certona servers located in the USA. The transmission takes place on the basis of a contract that contains the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission.
● We use Criteo Dynamic Retargeting, an analysis and advertising service provided by Criteo SA, 32 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris, France (“Criteo”). Criteo places cookies in your browser, which enable the analysis of trends and the determination of your interests. For example, Criteo processes your IP address to prevent fraud. In addition, your e-mail address is processed for the purpose of cross-device identification and an individual code ("hash") is created from it when you log into your customer account. Criteo places our advertisements on the websites of its business partners, who may also place cookies in your browser. In doing so, Criteo works with various platform providers (e.g. Adform, Adscale or Improve Digital), who may also place corresponding cookies.
To log out of Criteo, click this link [].
● We work with Datalogix, a marketing service provided by Oracle 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA (“Oracle”). Datalogix helps us measure the effectiveness of our online marketing and provide you with the most relevant news and offers. Datalogix uses your personal data such as contact and purchase data, usage data and your IP address to improve target group targeting and to measure the sales effect. We use the profiles and interest segments created by Datalogix for marketing campaigns to make the content and advertisements you receive even more relevant. These profiles are created through the use of cookies that use cross-device technologies. Datalogix may share your marketing data with external service providers so that they can perform business functions for Oracle or on behalf of Oracle customers. Oracle complies with the Privacy Shield Framework agreed between the EU and the USA and between Switzerland and the USA.
You can install an opt-out cookie via the following link [].
● We use DoubleClick Campaign Manager, an analytics service provided by Google, to improve advertising that is relevant to you, to improve campaign performance reports, and to prevent ads that you have already seen from being displayed. DoubleClick places a cookie in your browser. According to your settings, information relating to cookies that are used for advertising can be added to your Google account. You can find detailed information on processing by Google under "Google Analytics".
To opt out of receiving personalized ads from Google, click here [].
● We work with Google Remarketing Adwords to show visitors to our websites advertisements on third party websites. In order to avoid repetition of the advertisements, to prevent and detect click fraud and to show you relevant advertisements that relate to the websites you have visited, Google uses cookies. Among other things, Google saves your web request, your IP address, the type and language of your browser and the date and time of your request. In addition, Google places one or more cookies that uniquely identify your browser. Google stores your data primarily to improve services and for security reasons. The data is anonymized by partially deleting the IP address (after 9 months) and the cookie information (after 18 months).
To prevent Google from collecting data for behavior-based advertising, you can change the settings on this page [].
● We integrate a so-called Custom Audience Pixel that is provided by Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”) on our website (“Pixel”). The pixel collects data about the use of our websites (e.g. which pages you have visited) and transmits this to Facebook in hash form. The data is used for statistical and market research purposes in order to understand the behavior of users after they have clicked on an ad placed on Facebook. In this way, we can measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns on the Facebook websites (conversion tracking) and target our advertising specifically to groups created by Facebook. We can also show you advertisements via your Facebook feed that you may find interesting depending on your website usage. If you use our website after visiting Facebook, we can only identify you and assign this information to your customer account if, for example, you B. place an order.
● We use Responsys, a service provided by Oracle (see “Datalogix” above for more information). Responsys helps us manage and fine-tune our marketing interactions with you across email, mobile devices, social media, ads, and the web. We use Responsys to send you newsletters or electronic receipts. Responsys may collect your personal data, contact and purchase data, usage data and your IP address.
You can deactivate this analysis by clicking the unsubscribe link in each email.
2. Where do we get your personal data from?
We have received most of the personal data processed by us from you - either by providing this in the course of the registration process or placing an order, or because we have followed your use of our website or our newsletter, etc. In addition, we may also receive information about you from other sources, for example from companies in the Fossil Group and - if publicly accessible - from external websites. In some cases we receive personal data about you from our service providers, for example from FullContact Inc., Facebook, Google or Responsys.
3. When do we pass on your personal data?
We pass on your personal data in the following cases:
3.1 Legal obligation and internal purposes
We disclose your personal information (i) to comply with applicable laws and regulatory requirements and to respond to lawful inquiries, court orders and legal process, including requests to comply with national security or law enforcement requirements; (ii) to protect our rights or property or the rights or property of others; or (iii) to ensure the safety of our employees or any other person in an emergency.
3.2 Joint processing within the Majestic Bride
Your data will be combined with other personal data that the companies of the Fossil Group have collected about you (for example data on wearables, purchase information regarding your wearable or other items that you have bought via a company website). We also make your data available to the companies of the Fossil Group if this is necessary in order to provide you with warranty and other customer services (information on the companies of the Fossil Group can be found here MajesticBride
3.3 Transfer to third parties
To provide or provide services, we use other companies that are only allowed to use personal data on our behalf and under no circumstances for their own purposes, unless this is permitted by law.
We pass on the data to service providers who
Provide customer support services (e.g. Zendesk Inc.)
Provide functional, social and analytical technologies and behavioral marketing technologies (1.4)
Use data cleansing techniques to ensure that information such as your address is correct (for example Acxiom Corporation])
Provide payment services (e.g. PayPal S.à rl, et Cie, SCA)
Offer transport and logistics services (e.g. Deutsche Post DHL Group)
Provide hosting and general IT services (e.g. Amazon Web Services, Inc. and Google, Inc.)
Provide social media services (e.g. Facebook or Google)
Carry out credit checks (1.1)
Run direct marketing campaigns (for example Oracle, Google or Facebook)
4. How long do we use the personal data?
We keep your personal data for as long as is necessary to provide you with the functions and services described in Chapter 1. In certain cases, however, we keep some of your personal data longer - but only to the extent necessary. Such cases include, among other things, the defense against or the assertion of legal claims and legal obligations (e.g. tax law or the principle of accountability, according to which we have to prove that our processing complies with applicable data protection law). In order to check whether you have consented to or objected to marketing activities, we store your relevant decision, for example (e.g. via a cookie or a declaration).
5. What are your rights?
On our website in the "My Account" area, you can change the personal data that we have saved.
We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding our use of your data using the contact details given in Chapter 10. In this way you can also exercise your right to (i) information, (ii) correction and (iii) deletion of the personal data that we have stored about you, as well as your right (iv) to restrict the processing of this data. You also have the right to (v) data portability (receipt of the data you have provided in a machine-readable format) and, if applicable, the right to (vi) revoke your consent, (vii) refuse to receive marketing communications and (viii) object to the Processing that we base on our legitimate interests. In addition, you have the right to (ix) lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority.
6. Data storage in the USA
Personal data we collect is mainly stored in the USA - at the companies of the Fossil Group and our cloud service providers. The storage takes place in accordance with the Privacy Shield Framework between the EU and the USA or between Switzerland and the USA. To the extent permitted by applicable law (including EU law), we also use personal data in other countries and areas and transfer them to other countries and areas. As a result, your information may be subject to U.S. and foreign law, and accessible to U.S. and foreign governments, courts, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies.
In order to ensure an adequate level of protection, the Fossil Group, Inc. follows the Privacy Shield Framework between the EU and the USA or between Switzerland and the USA, as set out by the US Department of Commerce and in connection with which the Fossil Group has certified that it complies with the Privacy Shield Principles. As a result, the Fossil Group is subject to the investigative and enforcement powers of the US Federal Trade Commission. In the event of any contradictions between this data protection declaration and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall prevail. Further details on the Privacy Shield program can be found at You can see the Fossil Group's certification on the Privacy Shield list at. The Fossil Group's subsidiaries, including Fossil's partners - LP and Misfit, Inc. - also adhere to the Privacy Shield Principles.
If your data falls within the scope of the Privacy Shield and you believe that the Fossil Group has not adequately addressed your concerns about data protection, you can raise your concerns with the DMA free of charge:
DMA, Privacy Shield, 1333 Broadway, Suite # 301, New York, NY 10018
For complaints / inquiries: []
Further information on the DMA and its Privacy Shield program is available at: []
If a matter cannot be resolved by us or through the DMA, you have the option of initiating binding arbitration, as described in more detail in the Privacy Shield.
7. international data transfer
In addition to the service providers listed in Section 1.4, we cooperate with service providers who are based outside the EU or the EEA (see, for example, the list in Section 3.3), all of whom have a certification in accordance with the Privacy Shield. Where this is not the case, we ensure that we base our contract on standard contractual clauses that guarantee an adequate level of data protection, unless there is a different adequacy decision.
8. What happens if this data protection declaration is changed?
This privacy policy takes effect on May 25, 2018 and may be updated from time to time. We will inform you of significant changes by means of a clearly visible notice on our website or by email. If your personal data falls within the framework of the Privacy Shield and we decide to use your data for a purpose that differs significantly from the purposes for which it was originally collected or for which you have subsequently given your approval, we will notify you and give you the opportunity to refuse the use of your data for this purpose.
9. Reference to other websites
Whenever we provide links to other websites on our website, this is in the interest of our users or is to be understood as a favor to the external service provider. Pages to which we link or which link to our website are not under our control. In such cases, we are neither responsible for the content of these pages nor for compliance with the applicable data protection regulations by these service providers. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these third parties carefully to find out how your personal information is kept, used or shared.
10. Who are we and how can you contact us?
This website is provided by Majestic Bride, email: